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UKBCCI celebrates the New Year

UK Bangladesh Catalyst of Commerce and Industries has celebrated the New Year in a festive mood

along with a network meeting.   A number of business organisations across the UK, community

leaders and journalists took part in the New Year celebration and networking meeting and wished a

successful and active future for the organisation.

The celebration and networking meeting took place in Amana Centre in East London on 15 January.

President of newly formed UK BCCI Bajloor Rashid MBE presided over the meeting.  The programme

was started with the welcoming speech of Chairman and founder of the NRB Bank Bangladesh Iqbal

Ahmed OBE.  UKBCCI Director Anwar Babul Miah conducted the meeting.  Bangladesh High

Commissioner to the UK Abdul Hannan attended the event as Chief Guest.

Among other guests who addressed the audience included UKBCCI Finance Director Najmul Islam

Nuru, London Region President Jamal Uddin Mokoddus, Director Saiful Alom, Oli Khan, Farzana Nila,

Rohima Miah, UK Council of Sign Business Association Leader Peter Wang Moore, BCA President

Pasha  Khandokar, Secretary M A Munim, Editor of Curry Life and Weekly Jonomot Syed Nahash

Pasha, Editor of Bangla Mirror Abdul Karim Goni  and other community leaders.

On his Chief Guest’s speech Abdul Hannan said that the UK residing businessmen are playing an

important role in the development of Bangladesh.   Now businessmen of Bangladesh enjoy a strong

bond with their UK counterparts.  He urged all the UK residing business community to invest more in

Bangladesh and to contribute more in the economy of Bangladesh. He assured that Bangladesh

Government will provide all types of possible help to encourage the businessmen to invest more in

the country.

Chairman Iqbal Ahmed MBE said that his organisation would not limit its activities in meetings and

dinners. They would rather provide training and counselling so that the new businesses can flourish

and success rapidly and can also establish links with Bangladesh.

President Bajloor Rashid MBE said that his organisation has formed on a commitment to build bridge

between the businesses of Bangladesh and UK.  He urged all UK business organisations to get their


On their speech, the leaders emphasised that business people from the Bangladesh and the UK are

working hard to accelerate the growth of economy. To be on par with the modernized backdrop of

world economics, they need a prompt cooperation and a prolific connection. Bangladesh needs

more of Direct Foreign Investment and a business friendly environment that could ensure long-term

sustainability and growth. This can only be attained through effective participation of all sects


The newly formed UKBCCI aimed at to set up a consultant network connecting leading and

experienced business persons along with key Government personnel from the UK and Bangladesh to

help the existing and upcoming entrepreneurs.  The networking meetings are part of this project and

soon they will be able to meet the top leaders and policy making bodies to achieve the maximum

benefit for the business people as well as the countries.